Brighten any occasion with our Rose and Carnation Bouquet with Balloons. Combining classic roses and cheerful carnations, this arrangement is enhanced with playful balloons, adding a touch of celebration to any space. Perfect for gifting or adding a joyful flair to your decor.
This bouquet comes with:
- 3 Roses
- 2 Spray Carnation
- Spray Rose
- Baby Euca
- Eryngium
-3 Balloons
- Ribbon
- Gift Card
Elevate any occasion with our Lily Flowers Box and Balloons bundle. Fresh lilies in a charming box meet vibrant balloons, blending elegance with whimsy for unforgettable moments.
This bouquet comes with:
- 4 Lilies
- 5 Chrysanthemum
- Caspia
- Fish Leaf
- 5 Balloons
- Ribbon
- Gift Card
Add a burst of joy to any occasion with our Red Roses and Carnation Bouquet accompanied by vibrant balloons. Perfect for expressing love or celebration, this dynamic ensemble brings together classic elegance and whimsical charm, promising to make every moment memorable.
This bouquet comes with:
- 9 Roses
- 3 Spray Carnation
- Baby Euca
- 2 Balloons
- Ribbon
- Gift Card
Add charm to any occasion with our Lily and Pink Roses Bouquet with Balloons. Combining timeless elegance with playful festivity, this arrangement captivates with its delicate lilies, soft pink roses, and whimsical balloons. Perfect for gifting or brightening up your space.
This bouquet comes with:
- Fresh Lilies
- Fresh Roses
- Carnations Spray
- Fillers: Casphia
- 3 Helium Balloons
- Ribbon
- Gift Card
Do we need to say more? Balloons are essential and a staple at any party!
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: 12-15 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
- Colour Choice : Ocean, Cactus, Cosmos, Fire , Unicorn, Zebra, Sunshine
- Due to their unique production, Qualatex Super Agate balloons vary in colour and marbling.
Celebrate with sleek, metallic shine for a never-before-seen visual experience at your next party! Vibrant colors with a unique shine that take decorations to another level.
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Brand : Qualatex, Sempertex, Everts
- Float time: 12-14 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
- Chrome Balloons™* are made using breakthrough technology.
Do we need to say more? Balloons are essential and a staple at any party! This particular one comes in classic hearts design.
Price per piece
Material : Latex
Float time: l0-12 hours indoor
Comes with ribbon and weight
Helium confetti balloons add a certain flair to every balloon bouquet, but also as single balloons they are pretty to look at.
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: Up to 6 hours / 12 hours with Hi-Float
- Comes with ribbon and weight
- Colour Choice : Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, Purple Pink,
Premium helium latex balloons. Available
in 25+ fashionable colours with a solid matte finish. Inflated size of 12 inch (30cm).
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: 10-14 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
Do we need to say more? Balloons are essential and a staple at any party!
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: 6-8 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
- Colour Choice : Red, Pink, White, Rose, Lilac
Holographic! Do we need to say more? Balloons are essential and a staple at any party!
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: 12-14 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
- Colour Choice: Silver, Turquoise, Blue, Pink, Purple
Premium metallic helium latex balloons in 10+ colours. Inflated size of 12 inch (30cm). Shiny & beautiful metallic look. Floats up to 14 hours indoors.
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: l0-14 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
Do we need to say more? Balloons are essential and a staple at any party! If you're into soft and chalky hues then this is for you!
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: 10-12 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
Premium satin pearl helium latex balloons in lO+ colours. Inflated size of 12 inch (30cm). Lighter tones with a satin, glossy finishing. Floats up to 14 hours indoors.
- Price per piece
- Material : Latex
- Float time: l0-14 hours indoor
- Comes with ribbon and weight
A simple, yet beautiful transparent helium balloon with helium mini-balloons inside that will float to the top.
12" Transparent Helium Balloon
Colour Choice - Mini-balloons (max. 3) : Choose colour from Fashion , Metallic & Satin Pearl Series.
Float Time : Due to the added weight, the transparent balloon would only float for
4-6 hours and Hi-Float can't be added. Air-filled - lasts for at least one week.